axel's skeleton costume

my lil skeleton dude

I had to whip together a quick costume for Axel this year. He loves skeletons and skulls…not surprising since I have them all around our home as decoration :). So he decided that a skeleton is what he wanted to be. I wasn’t sure if he would let me paint his face, but I got these non-toxic face paint crayons off Amazon and they worked great! Easy to use, didn’t smudge too bad (for a toddler who keeps rubbing his face), and easy to wash off. Axel thought it was so cool to have a skeleton face! He was pretty pumped about the whole thing.

This was the first time we took him trick or treating. He loved running from house to house. He wasn’t too sure about the whole strangers at the door thing though. Once we got home he wanted to organize his candy by color, and eat only the chocolate. Maybe next year he’ll let me up his face paint game with something a little more intricate :))